Eat and Drink, Hunger and Thirst

All too often, we overindulge at Christmas, eating and drinking more than is good for us.

Try less eating, more hunger:

Matthew 5:6 (NIV)
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst
for righteousness, for they will be filled.

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3 Responses to Eat and Drink, Hunger and Thirst

  1. I remember good old days,
    and wish they would repeat,
    but they are truly gone away,
    and it’s so hard to eat.
    There are tumours in my throat
    that make swallowing a chore,
    and the only thought I can float,
    is, “What a bloody bore!”
    My wife still gamely tries to tempt
    with meals cooked in love and care,
    but they’re something I cannot attempt
    without puking on my sick-bed chair.
    I’m at the mercy of the beast,
    but recall with gladness Christmas feast.

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