Safe Shelter for Hong Kong

As the world watches, protestors take to the streets in Hong Kong. Over recent months, hundreds of thousands have demonstrated resistance to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance; there is concern it would put the people of Hong Kong under Chinese jurisdiction and undermine civil liberties.

How should we pray? This snippet from Jerry Newcombe provides a hint:

“A widow from our church and her late husband have known a Christian leader from Hong Kong for decades. She told me that over the weekend she had sent him a text, saying that she was praying for him and for Hong Kong.

“He wrote her back, ‘Thank you. We are in deep water. Deep pain, but hopeful.'”

Lord God Almighty, You are the Rock in the flood, the Shelter in the storm, the Hope of the oppressed. You are present in the Hong Kong demonstrations, and You are present in the prisons in China. Your kingdom come, Your will be done . . . in Hong Kong and in China, in Jesus’ name.

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3 Responses to Safe Shelter for Hong Kong

  1. Lord, the worthless Brits abandoned
    their loyal brothers in Hong Kong.
    Cancel this, their double standard
    and make the faithful Heaven-strong.
    Help them stand against the evil
    Godless foe that seeks their fall.
    Show them that it’s true, the devil
    hides behind the Chinese Wall.
    Tell their story in far places,
    girding Christian hearts abroad
    that the greatest of the graces
    is standing with who stand with God.
    In the midst of hell’s own flames,
    free their hearts and break their chains.

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