Wise Whys

Following the news is like being on a see-saw. One side of a story rises to the top, then the other side. It’s hard to sort out the opinions, even harder to sift out the truth.

We ask,


  • Why this?
  • Why now?

Why this person? Why this place? Why this problem?
Why now? Why not last month or last year? Why not next week?
Why is this big news at this moment?

James 1:5 (ERV)
Do any of you need wisdom? Ask God for it.

We need God’s wisdom to work out the whys of our world.




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3 Responses to Wise Whys

  1. Don’t think I can tell you why,
    but I sure can tell you what.
    Watching culture ’bout to die,
    we’re deserving what we’ve got.
    We wanted to be pleasant,
    and excuse some folk from sin,
    but the end result of ‘tolerant’
    is that the devil wins.
    Now they say they’ll slam us
    if we don’t sign on, en masse,
    and dive, ourselves, under the bus
    to please the ruling class.
    Thus, the result of being nice,
    a vain and foolish sacrifice.

    This is motivated by 2020 Democratic presidential candidate ‘Beto’ O’Rourke’s suggestion that churches that don’t support same-sex marriages should be denied tax exemptions.

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