Safe Speech: Dreams


God has the power to speak in places where talk of Christ is forbidden.



“God is moving inside the Middle East with dreams, visions, and personal visitations,” according to Yazim, a church planter. “God will do his part, but we still have to do ours.”
(from The Christian Post)

What is our part? We can pray:

Almighty God, You aren’t bound by the rules set out by men. We pray that You will speak to thousands upon thousands in dreams and visitations. Lord, go to communities and homes where missionaries, the Bible and church services are forbidden. Open their eyes, ears and hearts to Your message of grace. Build Your Church in forbidden places, in Jesus’ name.


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3 Responses to Safe Speech: Dreams

  1. Friends, I see a bad moon rising,
    though it’s not beyond retrieval,
    but lawmakers are now deciding
    that the Book should be illegal.
    The world has gone truly mad
    and now has come a time
    when you need not be overtly bad;
    mere offense is now a crime.
    Inclusiveness is the virtue’d ‘woke’
    and praise for sin is now demanded;
    if you speak as they the holy spoke,
    to prison you may be remanded.
    Saying, now, “Christ is the Way!”
    can earn a long-term federal holiday.

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