Our world is a sea of words: in books and papers, on the web, broadcast over the airwaves, via our phones. Thankfully, we also have the Word.
John 1:1 (NLT)
In the beginning the Word already existed.
The Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
The Word is in the world, the Word is in us, and we are in the Word. Thanks be to God!
There are way too many words
and most of them are bad.
So many say so much untoward
and it’s like some evil fad.
Every group hates all the others
and even loathe their own
and if I could have my druthers
I’d turn them all to stone.
As statues they could do no harm
and they’d remind us of the day
when we let pass, without alarm
the limits on what we say.
But they are God’s children, in the end,
and flesh, not stone, can one day mend.