Childish Anger

When my kids got really angry with me, they’d try to hurt me with their words. Our adopted children said, “You’re not my real mom.” My biological kids said, “I didn’t ask to be born.” Or the old standby, “I hate you.”



When I get really mad at God, I try to hurt him:

I hate you.
I don’t believe in you anymore.
You’re not real.

He could zap me with a thunderbolt, but he doesn’t. He patiently waits for me to grow up, calm down and come to my senses.

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4 Responses to Childish Anger

  1. Reminds me of a story about a lawyer ho was playing golf with a priest.

    Every time the layer would miss a putt, he’d say, “Blessed Virgin, I missed!”

    The priest finally warned him, “Look, dude, you’re on thin ice here, and God’s not gonna take this for much longer.”

    But sure enough, at the next hole, the lawyer missed a short putt and exclaimed, “Blessed Virgin, I missed!”

    And suddenly there was a deafening whip-crack, and where the priest had been standing, just a smoking pile of ash…and from the Heavens, a deep voice:

    “Blessed Virgin, I missed!”

  2. Kathy Wyg says:

    Good morning,…I love your last paragraph…about thunderbolts of lightning…!!!

    I needed that this morning….

    I need some prayers too….Shirlee….


    • Lord God, thank you for not zapping us with thunderbolts, even when that’s what we deserve. Zap us instead with your wisdom. Give an extra jolt to my friend Kathy today. Amen.

      “He is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask him; he will not resent it” (James 1:5 TLB).

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