What Will People Think?


Maybe the wise ones weren’t so wise. They asked the wrong guy—Herod—for directions:

Matthew 2:13  (ERV)
Herod is looking for the child and wants to kill him.


OK, Lord, there are people who will try to trip or trick me on my Bethlehem Road. Give me the wisdom to see them for what they really are.

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4 Responses to What Will People Think?

  1. And they can be very attractive and convincing.

  2. Oyin says:

    Oh Shirlee. Your Bethlehem series have been insightful.
    God bless you.
    Grace to be sensitive Lord.

    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      Thank you for the encouraging words, Oyin. May your path to Bethlehem this Advent season lead straight to the heart of God.

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