“And Turn from Your Wicked Ways”


“Turn from your wicked ways.” Ah, that’s the real challenge of 2 Chronicles 7:14.

When it comes to the state of my nation, I want the other fella to turn from his wicked ways. Cause I’m one of the good guys, right?


God: Are you content with the status quo so long as it’s profitable for you?

Me: Do I really have to answer that?

It is so easy to make excuses: Everyone is doing it. I’m not as bad as they are. 

God doesn’t set much store by excuses. That’s where the “Humble yourself” comes in.bless humble

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4 Responses to “And Turn from Your Wicked Ways”

  1. Food for thought here. Uncomfortable thought.

  2. Uncomfortable indeed. When I started the Nehemiah study, I didn’t really know where it would take me. This is only lesson 2. Makes me wonder what’s ahead.

  3. Now that’s a convicting question! I know I should never be content with the status quo, but I confess, I am at times. I remember that above all, God is looking at my heart. My actions say less than the heart that motivates them. And who motivates my heart? I want it to be God.

    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      Jeanne, I think that the status quo is sometimes fine. But I don’t think God wants us to be content with comfortable. He often pushes me into uncomfortable territory. And if I start to get too comfortable there, he pushes me again.

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