Holy Week: Old and New


Today, Thursday, we remember how Jesus gathered with his disciples to celebrate the old and usher in the new:


Luke 22:20 (NLT)
After supper he took another cup of wine and said, “This cup is the new covenant between God and his people—an agreement confirmed with my blood, which is poured out as a sacrifice for you.”

The old, the Passover meal, recognized how in the past God brought His people out of slavery in Egypt. The new, confirmed through the blood of Christ, looked forward to our salvation.




Good morning, Lord. I thank You for all You have done for me in the past, what You are doing for me right now, and what You will do for me in the future. You saved me from my sin, You protect and lead me, You promise me eternity in heaven. All that is more than enough. 

And yet, You also hear my every prayer, You are always at my side, You call me friend. My cup runneth over!

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