Snapshot Prayers


Yesterday, I posted God’s wordless answer to my prayer request.

Today, let’s consider some wordless requests.



A loved one who doesn’t know Christ kneeling at the cross.
Two people with long-held grudges shaking hands.
A fractured family happily sharing a meal.
Your depressed friend doing a happy dance.

Freeze-frame your image and share it with God. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. A snapshot prayer can hold more than words can say.

Ephesians 3:20 (NIRV)
God is able to do far more than
we could ever ask for or imagine.

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2 Responses to Snapshot Prayers

  1. Darla says:

    This was not just a wonderful spiritual exercise but one I will be sharing with my writer friends to encourage “show don’t tell.” When I was reading your descriptions I could clearly “feel” the message you were wanting to project to the reader.

    My freeze-frame image is holding my estranged daughter and the baby she is carrying in her womb. Thank you for the reminder that He is able to do far more than we imagine!

    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      I’m excited you’ve caught the vision, Darla! This has made a huge difference in my prayer life. I hold an image up to the Lord, more than I can put into words. Plus, it bypasses my tendency to dictate step-by-step instructions to God. I simply leave the snapshot in His hands.

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