Trust God


Feel like you’re running in circles, getting nowhere?
Trust God.


He’ll set you straight.





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4 Responses to Trust God

  1. Sue says:

    I loved your post today! Loved the creativity! In the message, trust and be led, do you ever find yourself not feeling led? Is it ok to keep going trusting you are where you are “supposed to be”, when it makes no sense? At what point, or feeling, are you knowing for sure, you are on the right path? I’ve known this verse most of my life, yet I’ve never been able to speak to someone else, as a “witness to it, of course it’s true”! Rather than “it’s in the Bible, of course it’s true”. Right now, hard path, unsure of where I’m supposed to be. Just keep questioning, no answer, yet. Many endless months. Thanks

    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      I’m pleased, Sue, that this bit of “verse art” speaks to you. Yes indeed, there are times when I don’t feel God’s leading. Sometimes it’s because I’m not listening to Him, and that’s a problem. Other times are more like “auto pilot,” and I just keep putting one foot in front of the other until something changes — for example, I was coming up to retirement age and wondering when I should officially quit my job. For months, I prayed, “When, Lord?” and got no answer. Then one day, I was called to an unexpected meeting and offered a severance package because my employer was reorganizing.

      Remember, “not yet” is a very real answer to our prayers.

  2. Sue says:

    Thanks, Shirlee! I feel “ignorant” sometimes asking for help when I don’t understand, especially when it seems everyone else does! I will ask, with more commitment daily, (hourly), for more help to listen. Surely I’ve missed it, is my understanding. Yet I see you telling me go back to “listen”. Not my understanding, not my timing. Listen. If I will be that one who says “oh, I’m a witness to that, yes, it is very true!”, then, it must be something He is having to teach me over and over. I want the large road sign, he wants the simple faith. Thanks for stopping to let me see keep waiting. With love, Sue

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