Unsafe in Burkina Faso

Does the name Burkina Faso mean anything to you? It’s a small West African country, formerly called Upper Volta. Burkina means “upright” in one of the languages spoken there. Faso means “father’s house” in a different language. Basically, its name  means “land of honest men.”


The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom reports:

“In recent years, Burkina Faso has found itself at the
epicenter of several interrelated and rapidly evolving
crises that are engulfing much of West Africa. These
compounded security and humanitarian crises are
testing the limits of Burkinabe religious tolerance and
intercultural harmony as conflicts over land, jobs, and
scarce resources have begun to erode social cohesion.”

        • Violent events have increased 1000% since 2016.
        • In the last two years, there’s been a 900% increase in people fleeing their homes.
        • More than 3.2 million people need immediate food assistance.
        • Attacks on houses of worship and religious leaders (Christian and Muslim) are increasing.

The Land of Honest Men needs our prayers. 

Lord, bless the Burkinabe people. Protect them, provide the food and shelter they desperately need. Frustrate any jihadist or militia groups’ plans to disrupt worship and discourage the leaders. Change the hearts of those who plot violent attacks. Restore harmony, in Jesus’ name.



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