Hidden Agendas (Then and Now)


In the account of Daniel in the lions den,* some government officials plot to dishonor our hero. There was just one problem:


Daniel 6:4b (NIV)
They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent.

 Their solution: a new law – no praying except to the king.

Were they passionate about praying to their king?  Probably not.
Were Daniel’s prayers harming the kingdom?  Not likely.
Why a 30-day moratorium? They needed a quick fix. 

Hidden agendas hard at work–thanks to some corrupt, self-serving officials. Then. And now. Watch for them.




*read the whole story in Daniel, chapter 6.


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2 Responses to Hidden Agendas (Then and Now)

  1. I am enjoying your writing. Your nuggets of truth and highlighted scripture is just enough to send me off thinking. Your writing is appetizing, causing me to crave more.

    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Calvonia. I try to pack deep thoughts into quick bites.

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