In the account of Daniel in the lions den,* some government officials plot to dishonor our hero. There was just one problem:
Daniel 6:4b (NIV)
They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent.
Their solution: a new law – no praying except to the king.
Were they passionate about praying to their king? Probably not.
Were Daniel’s prayers harming the kingdom? Not likely.
Why a 30-day moratorium? They needed a quick fix.
Hidden agendas hard at work–thanks to some corrupt, self-serving officials. Then. And now. Watch for them.
*read the whole story in Daniel, chapter 6.
I am enjoying your writing. Your nuggets of truth and highlighted scripture is just enough to send me off thinking. Your writing is appetizing, causing me to crave more.
Thanks for stopping by, Calvonia. I try to pack deep thoughts into quick bites.