Just Thoughts


Psalm 19:14 (GNT)
May my words and my thoughts
be acceptable to you,
O LORD, my refuge and my redeemer!


Not only my words and deeds, Lord, but my thoughts–
May they be just in your sight.

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2 Responses to Just Thoughts

  1. I know my thoughts are not my own;
    God knows them all too well,
    and left unchecked would be seeds sown
    to raise my own quite private hell.
    But He gives nudges to the wise,
    pokes the ribs of lazy louts,
    and when He does not get replies
    that is when He screams and shouts
    in the sterner voice of conscience,
    and the fish-hook pull of guilt
    demanding that we cut the nonsense
    and weep not o’er milk we’ve spilt
    but think in faith’s determination
    of His love, His inspiration.

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