Fit for Discipline


When the word discipline popped into my head as I prayed for guidance for 2020, I looked to the Bible for clarification. Here’s one of the first verses I found:


1 Timothy 4:7 (AMP)
Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness
[keeping yourself spiritually fit].

God neatly tied last year’s one-word, fit, to this year’s potential word, discipline. Guess that nails it. 2020 is my year to discipline myself for the purpose of godliness.

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2 Responses to Fit for Discipline

  1. When I bring the discipline,
    those beneath me have a fit
    because I run it nice and clean,
    and they get the worst of it.
    Pushups ’till the arms fall off,
    situps till the belly bleeds,
    running ’till the devil scoffs;
    profanity more than he needs!
    And the joys of night PT
    lit by headlights and by flares
    for that grave necessity
    of fighting in the nighttime airs.
    At the end, the kids are bagged
    and I’m lucky I ain’t fragged.

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