The Character of the Name


“Name” (in Greek, onoma) means authority, revelation, related to someone’s character.



In Jesus’ name isn’t a magic phrase we tack on the end of our prayers to make God do what we ask. It says we are praying in agreement with the nature and holiness of Christ.

Can you picture the words you’re praying coming straight from the mouth of Jesus? You can’t pray in Jesus’ name if your words and attitude are out of character with Christ.

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3 Responses to The Character of the Name

  1. I’d like to pray in Jesus\’ name,
    but the results would be pathetic;
    it really wouldn’t sound the same
    ’cause He talked in Aramaic.
    And anyway, I’m not really sure
    that He’d approve of what I said,
    and while I’m praying to endure
    He might just strike me dead.
    I try to stay in line with Him
    but I’m a wayward goat,
    attracted by the shine of bling
    and praying by sheer rote.
    So here is what I pray today,
    that one day I learn to pray.

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