Weapons at Work


“Anticipate your battles;
fight them on your knees
before temptation comes,
and you will always have victory.”
R. A. Torrey (1856-1928)

Cut the enemy off . . . at your knees.

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3 Responses to Weapons at Work

  1. If you choose to do things right
    and properly prepare,
    then you’re bound to win the fight
    for it will not be fair.
    The idea is to crush the foe
    with overwhelming force
    so that he shall in future know
    not to try this course.
    War’s not a game for gentlemen,
    but rather sport of knaves
    who nonetheless have wit to ken
    that ‘decisive’ always saves
    more of friend and foe who issue forth,
    beloved of those who gave them birth.

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