Fake Safe Space

There is a movement, especially in schools and colleges, to create a place where someone can be protected from emotional discomfort. This “safe space” is free from criticism, contradictory points of view and offensive comments.


Some folks embrace these man-made sanctuaries; others see them as unrealistic and overprotective.

The Bible tells us God is our Safe Space:

Psalm 61:3 (NASB)
You have been a refuge for me,
A tower of strength against the enemy.

Forgive us, Lord, for thinking we can create safe spaces in our fallen world. Forgive us for failing to teach our children that You are the safest of places, their strong tower, their eternal protection. And forgive us for seeking personal safety within our own wisdom instead of the truth of Your Word.

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4 Responses to Fake Safe Space

  1. Come, now, children, bear a hand,
    and wipe the tears from your sad faces.
    Grow up, now, and understand
    that this world has no safe spaces.
    There are those who seek to kill you
    solely for the things you own;
    know that this is nothing new
    in a world where grace has flown.
    I feel sorry for your anguish,
    but suck it up, ye pampered child
    and gird your loins, in time to vanquish
    that evil which is running wild.
    Life is not a fairy tale,
    but if you’re hard, you may prevail.

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