Disciplined Student


Hebrews 12:6
The Lord disciplines the one he loves.



Are you suffering some consequences? Facing a closed door? Hearing a call to turn around?

Don’t get mad. It’s a lesson of love.

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5 Responses to Disciplined Student

  1. Lord, if all this be Your love,
    I’m maybe confused a bit, right here.
    You see all from up above;
    can you not see my fear?
    I’m well-versed to handle pain,
    and can put up with a lot,
    so tell me, Lord, where is the gain
    is taking everything I’ve got?
    The answer comes, both stern and gentle,
    “Son, this ain’t about just you,
    so don’t you get all temperamental;
    you and Me gots work to do.
    You’re the example I can trust
    to others when their lives go bust.”

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