Sheltering Service

A friend with autism has a new best friend, one who makes him feel safer and braver. Surely, when creating the first dog, God envisioned this future loyal service.

From Pawsitivity Service Dogs website:

“There are numerous tasks and therapeutic functions that a service dog may be trained to provide. Typically this training focuses on leveraging the dog’s natural senses to help the handler interpret the world around them . . . Relying on a service dog’s incredible hearing, smell, and other senses, the handler is reassured that the environment they are currently in is not dangerous.”

Thank you, Lord, for creating these dear animals to serve us as protector, encourager, sympathetic ear, watchman, timekeeper and best friend. They are your safe shelter on four legs.

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3 Responses to Sheltering Service

  1. I truly know not where I’d be
    without a dog by my side;
    likely lost in misery,
    and looing for a place to hide.
    They understand what no-one can
    about a heart so torn asunder,
    needing no caregiving plan;
    and they never, ever blunder.
    They do not say, “Now talk it out!”
    They know that silence is the best,
    and care not if I scream and shout
    when nightmares keep me from my rest.
    The world of men has let me down,
    but I’m saved by canine saint and clown.

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