A Good End


2 Timothy 3:7 (NIV)
I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race,
I have kept the faith.


A life well-lived for Christ leads to a good end.

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3 Responses to A Good End

  1. Come join the ones who say it’s over,
    come join the throng, place your bet
    on when with dirt they will me cover
    but know this – it ain’t over yet.
    Kind doctors sought to ease my end
    with opiates and marijuana,
    which only served to fair-portend
    my morphing to a mean iguana.
    Death should come with quiet graces,
    a joyful sorrowing kind of mood,
    but I’ll be ringed around by cartridge cases,
    broken weapons, pools of blood.
    Sigh, and call me temperamental,
    but I don’t do ‘going gentle’.

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