Looking Out for My Neighbor

Matthew 22:39 (NLT)
A second [command] is equally important:
“Love your neighbor as yourself.”


OK, Lord, I get that I’m not just looking out for my own good. But how do I sort out what’s best for everybody? Whose needs are more important? Social justice gets complicated. Grant us wisdom. Your will be done.


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3 Responses to Looking Out for My Neighbor

  1. If my neighbour’s set upon
    I will come to his aid,
    but when the danger’s past and gone,
    I’m expecting to be paid.
    Here on cancer’s journey
    I’ve seen friends fall away;
    did they decide to spurn me,
    or did they not know what to say?
    Their excuses do not matter,
    and I’ll fight this thing alone.
    But when they choose a soul to shatter,
    they should know they can’t atone.
    Those who would a call on help assert
    should look back upon whom they’ve hurt.

    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      “Did they not know what to say?” Often, Andrew, that’s exactly what keeps people away. Sometimes there are no words; we need to silently come alongside the one who is suffering. Many of your blog posts help us understand how it’s done.

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