Simple Burn


Jesus spoke with two of his followers after he rose from the dead:



Luke 24:32 (NIV)
They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”

God still speaks through Scripture. May your heart burn within you.

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3 Responses to Simple Burn

  1. I know my heart oughta burn
    when I read my Scripture,
    but it don’t, though I yearn
    to get into that picture.
    Logic’s always been my thing;
    they call me Mister Spock.
    Betimes emotion does take wing,
    but those times, I don’t talk.
    I keep my feelings close and tight
    and wear a poker face
    that hides whatever inner light
    may aspire from grace.
    You may think me cold, a walking frown,
    but think again, for I write it down.

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