Please Pray


In the US, today (Thursday) is our National Day of Prayer. Please take a few moments to pray for righteousness to prevail . . . wherever you live.


And don’t stop praying when today is over and done.

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2 Responses to Please Pray

  1. And please pray for a wonderful young Christian writer, Rachel Held Evans, who is critically ill and in a medically-induced coma.

    She and her husband have a couple of wee bairns, and the costs will be devastating. If anyone reading this can pitch in – ANYTHING will help – her friends have set up a GoFundMe page:

    Let them know they are not alone.

    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      Thank you for the heads-up, Andrew. Rachel’s book inspired me, and I didn’t know she was ill. I appreciate the links, and yes, I’m praying.

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