Foolish and Factless


Proverbs 18:13 (NLT)
Spouting off before listening to the facts
is both shameful and foolish.


I don’t want to be factless and foolish, Lord. Teach me to close my mouth and open my ears.


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5 Responses to Foolish and Factless

  1. This is dedicated to Peter Snger, the medical ‘ethicist’ who is employed by Princeton University and does the late-night TV tal show rounds as the ambassador of infanticide.

    This ‘shy, soft-spoken Australian philospoher’ should be deported, and encouraged to swim back to his home country.

    Shark Week…you’re up.

    I tried to listen with respect
    until I heard them say
    that an abortion survivour should expect
    to be summarily put away.
    I’m done with silence that implies
    that I tolerate barbarism’s return
    and I will fight their bloody lies
    as inside, I burn.
    I don’t care about ethical guile
    or the tricks philosophers play.
    No newborn should face their own Green Mile
    so I will stand in the way.
    Lord, let me fight the Beast,
    and thus may I protect the least.

  2. Donna Heitman says:

    Joining you in this prayer today. Also, Andrew, I am right there with you. I have been grappling with how to publicly handle this situation. Not on a platform, but in situations that are considered “normal conversation”. We face so many horrors on this earth, injustice, abuse of those who cannot fight for themselves ect… We help where God has placed us and in whatever way we can and I usually try to lead by quiet example and love, but this situation has got me wanting to yell from the rooftop. To gather those who feel the same way, armour up and loudly, yet intelligently fight. I am saddened by the fact that so many Christians are taking a quiet stance on this outside of their own safe community. Of course we must take it to our maker, trust in His way’s and continually pray, but should we not also rise up in this situation? I am feeling at such a loss about what to do…. Writing letters to my government officials and signing petitions ect… Just seems like using a piece of gum to patch a raft. May our ever present Lord guide us and may we be brave enough to take the steps needed for these innocent babies and their misguided, lost mothers.

    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      Thank you, Donna, for your honest comments. You put our predicament into plain words: when should we lead by quiet example, and when do we yell from the rooftops? There’s a need for both. One interesting note from the Unplanned movie: prayer has more impact than we think; when there’s more prayer, there are more no-shows for abortion appointments. Let’s keep praying!

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