Whose Green Deal



What’s your take on the future of our planet?


  • We’re killing it, inch by inch
  • It’s come this far, it’ll keep going
  • I’m OK, and that’s enough for me

Psalm 24:1 (NIV)
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it;
for he founded it on the seas
and established it on the waters.

Our planet is His planet. He created it. And us. It’s the original green deal.


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2 Responses to Whose Green Deal

  1. They say the planet’s going to die,
    and that it’s all our doing!
    Oh me, oh me, oh, my my my,
    what course should we be pursuing?
    Ban the aeroplane, ban the cow,
    ban the engines of industry!
    And never mind, don’t worry how
    we’ll avoid the biggest famine in history.
    Every tree will be cut down
    to cook, and heat our huts,
    but we’ll be compelled not to frown,
    no ifs or ands or buts.
    We may all starve in cold bleak torture
    but at least we’ll be signalling virtue.

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