Luke 15:21 (NIV)
The son said to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.”
Jesus told the well-known parable of the prodigal son. This rebellious young man foolishly claimed his inheritance and blew it on wild living. When his money disappeared, so did his friends. Alone and hungry, he engaged in somber after-the-fact thinking and changed his mind. That is, he repented.
During this Lenten season, be like this young man. Think … repent, change (the Father is waiting).
Good morning, Lord. I can be so rebellious and stubbornly follow my own way, even though I know I shouldn’t. Later, when I’m stuck in a mess of my own making, I call, “Help me, God!” You’d be justified in turning Your back, but no! You embrace me and help me untangle the web of trouble I created. You are merciful, and I am grateful. Thank You for loving me when I least deserve it.