Two Simple Words

The young man who rear-ended my car said, “Accidents happen.” I was hoping for two different words:


“I’m sorry.”

Two simple, powerful words. 
The sooner said, the better.

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4 Responses to Two Simple Words

  1. I think part of it might be a conditioned reflex not to accept responsibility…not as a generational ‘thing’, but more an act of caution in a highly litigious society.

  2. Shirlee Abbott says:

    You’re right, Andrew, but studies show that folks are more likely to sue over an error if they sense a cover-up or think people don’t care– a bit of wisdom from hospital risk management. Yet s till, everyone’s first reaction is to pull back and say nothing.

  3. Oyinlola says:

    Those two simple words calms any storm. Grace to say them at the right time.

    Thanks Shirlee.

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