Talk to God

How do you discuss everything with God, everywhere?

You thank God for what is good: the beauty of nature, finding the lost item, a blessing for the driver who lets you into traffic.


You ask for wisdom in solving a problem, for safety on the road, for words in a tricky situation, for the well-being of friends and family.

You praise the great God who runs the universe, listens to you . . . and answers back.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 (AMP)
Be unceasing and persistent in prayer.

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4 Responses to Talk to God

  1. And sometimes I speak to Him in acronyms…”God, WTF?”

    Some things are just to weird and hurt too much for a reasoned query.

    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      God says, “Come now, let us reason together” (Isaiah 1:18). Note that he doesn’t say, “let us only reason together.” He listens even when I am unreasonable.

  2. Kathy Wyg says:

    Good morning….your devo today….& your commentary…are total replicas of what my hubby says all the time….regardless of the situation…..regardless…he is thankful….I have work to do in that area…oh my; I always question why…he accepts & goes on…….& your verse…too….he is that too….another one I am working on…thanks for this one today…

    Have a blessed day……..guys……….Kathy Wyg

    Is that acronym….what I think it is & says….

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