Battles of Home




God and I don’t always agree when it comes to my home.


Me: We just need to buy a few more things and the house will be perfect.
God: Money buys perfection? Really?

Me: Gotta clean. Company’s coming, and I don’t want them to think we live like this.
God: You do live like this. What happened to honesty?

God: Invite them over. Exercise hospitality.
Me: It’s MY house. I want to enjoy it. ALONE.
God: What happened to sharing and an attitude of gratitude?

Of course, this is just me. You’re never like this.bless soul pic

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2 Responses to Battles of Home

  1. I needed that today, Shirlee. I’ve always struggled with hospitality … wanting house to be perfect. And it is a good reason to dust. 🙂 But since I’ve moved closer to family, my mom comes over more often, and I’m starting to let my guard down some … it’s okay for her to see the messy house. Such a sweet, soul-stirring post.

  2. Shirlee Abbott says:

    Thank you, Shelli. Better to let down our guard and open our hearts (and our homes).

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