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Tag Archives: remember
Memory Stone
Once upon a time, there was a battle. The victory came through God’s intervention, not military might. 1 Samuel 7:12 (ERV) After this Samuel set up a special stone to help people remember what God did. Samuel put … Continue reading
Don’t Forget to Remember
What did you do to honor Armistice Day? Went to a memorial service Thanked a Vet Prayed for peace I forgot God knows how easily we forget. That’s why Scripture includes repeated messages, specific holy days and … Continue reading
Simply Say What You Mean
I don’t remember. I’m not sure I remember. I think I remember. I clearly remember. God, of course, simply says: Isaiah 49:15 (NIRV) I will not forget you.
Posted in KISS (short & simple)
Tagged Isaiah 49:15, K.I.S.S., remember, short and simple
In Remembrance (Thursday)
Jeremiah 2:2 (RSV) Thus says the Lord, “I remember the devotion of your youth . . .” Oswald Chambers said it well: (My Utmost for His Highest, Jan.21) “Am I as spontaneously kind to God as I used to be, … Continue reading
Posted in Foundation of faith
Tagged Jeremiah 2:2, remember
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In Remembrance (Wednesday)
There are days when I am cranky and short-tempered. I can throw an impressive tantrum. Once I calm down, I hear God’s question: Is this how you want to be remembered? No, Lord, NO! How do you want … Continue reading
In Remembrance
We forget. God knows it. That’s why he established the annual Passover celebration (Exodus 12). That’s why 12 Jordan River stones became a memorial (Joshua 4). The reason? So that children would ask why? and the stories could be retold. … Continue reading
Posted in Window on our culture
Tagged Memorial Day, Passover, remember
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