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Why?Almost half of American adults read below high school level. God looks at your heart, not your reading skills. Big faith can be built on simple words.
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Tag Archives: God’s Word
Think about the Word
Joshua 1:8 (VOICE) Let the words from the book of the law be always on your lips. Meditate on them day and night. Think about God’s Word. “Always . . . day and night.” Many years ago, I read … Continue reading
Posted in Foundation of faith
Tagged God's Word, Joshua 1:8, meditate
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Hunger for the Word
My Bible reading took me down a new line of thought. It started in the book of Amos: Amos 8:11 (NIV) The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine through the land— not a … Continue reading
Posted in Foundation of faith
Tagged Amos 8:11, Bible, famine, God's Word, hungry
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Got Tools?
Hebrews 4:12 (WE) God’s word is living and full of power. It is more sharp than any sword that cuts on both sides. The Bible — sharper than your finest saw, more powerful than your cordless drill or … Continue reading
Posted in Door of opportunity\
Tagged God's Word, Hebrews 4:12, toolbox, tools
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God Gets My Words
I confess, Lord, that I don’t always catch the proper meaning of your Word. You never miss the true meaning of my words. For that, I’m grateful.
Bible Study Is Like Asparagus
Jeremiah 15:16 (ESV) Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart. Is God’s Word “the delight of your heart”? Do you take joy in … Continue reading