Praise Thy Name

Continuing to focus on God’s holiness as described in Reginald Heber’s hymn, Holy, Holy, Holy: “All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea.”

In my imagination, there are three steps to the throne of God. The first step is praise.

Psalm 148:13 (NLT)
Let them all praise the name of the LORD. For his name is very great; his glory towers over the earth and heaven!


Good morning, Lord. I want my life to bring honor to Your holy name. Forgive me for the many moments when my words and deeds have dishonored You. Teach me to start and end every day with praise. Fill me with awe and gratitude. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight (Psalm 19:14) and praise Your name. 

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2 Responses to Praise Thy Name

  1. Melinda says:

    Psalm 19:14 is one of my most often repeated psalms. 😊
    Are you going to tell us what the next two steps are as well?

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