Speaking Knowledge


Proverbs 2:6 (NIV)
For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come
knowledge and understanding.

From God’s mouth to my ear (or His Word to my eyes).


Good morning, Lord. Focus my eyes on Your Word and the wonders of Your creation. Tune my ears to heal the whisper of the Holy Spirit. Fill me with knowledge and wisdom I wouldn’t find on my own. Forgive me for focusing on foolish and worldly distractions. Teach me to be a good steward of my time, treasure and talent — for Your glory, not mine.

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2 Responses to Speaking Knowledge

  1. Melinda says:

    Good morning Shirlee,
    How would you define foolish and worldly distractions?

    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      The list may not be the same for everyone, Melinda. Anything that distracts us from following God’s plan is a foolish waste of time. For me, it includes getting caught up in social media links to information I don’t want or need, just mindlessly clicking. I sometimes watch home improvement shows when I should be cleaning my own home. Years ago, the Holy Spirit nudged me to stop reading books from one specific author, because the plot would fill my mind for hours after I finished the book. It’s not that all social media, television or books are foolish … it’s about putting guardrails on my time and thoughts.

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