The Key to Knowledge


In Luke 11, Jesus takes the Pharisees and experts in God’s law to task with a series of “Woe to you” statements. This last woe sums up the others.


Luke 11:52 (NIV)
Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering.

Instead of pointing others to God’s Word, they gave folks a long list of man-made rules. Follow the rules, they said, and you’re good.

Bad advice.


Good morning, Lord. Teach me to look to You and Your Word for knowledge. Forgive me for listening to the wisdom of the world and thinking I know what’s what. Build my thoughts on the firm foundation of Your truth. Your Word is the key to peace of mind, good decisions and righteous action. 

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