Sometimes, even the most faithful believers hit a spiritual crisis. St. John of the Cross called it the Dark Night of the Soul, a separation from the Light of our world. The psalmist described it.
Psalm 13:1-2 (NIV)
How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?
The darkness can come from pride in our own spiritual knowledge, a lust for more spiritual highs. Truth be told, we sometimes love these spiritual delights more than we love the Lord.
Sometimes God strips away the delights, leaving us in dark spiritual desert.
Good morning, Lord. There are times I trudge through days that seem dark — because of circumstances, or my own bad attitude, or possibly Your will. You don’t promise every day will be a mountaintop experience. But even when I don’t see You, O God, I trust that You see me.
What lesson do You want me to learn through this dark experience? Teach me to trust, teach me to pray, teach me to listen.
Praying for you.