A California reader reminded me that a torrential downfall could create dangerous mudslides and add to the damage. I don’t want to pray for greater destruction. Our God is the strong power behind both wind and water.
Mark 4:39 (NIV)
He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
Let us pray for still winds.
Good morning, Lord. Still the raging winds that spread the wildfires. Send a gentle drizzle and dampen the embers. Bring an end to the destruction.
Likewise, O God, send the quiet breath of Your Spirit across our nation, turning hearts to You. Sprinkle Your grace over sinful souls, setting their feet on the straight and narrow path of faith.
Hi Shirley! I always find hope and wisdom when I read your posts. How can I see the comments on your site? Thank you. 🙂 Tracy Padgett
Thank you, Tracy. The comments show under the post … but there aren’t very many. Maybe you can start a trend 🙂