Resolutions for 2025

This week, we cross the threshold to a new year. Many of us make New Year’s resolutions. Hopefully, we will live up to our resolutions as well as Barnabas and the believers in Antioch did.


Acts 11:23 (EXB)
Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and full of faith … He encouraged [exhorted; urged] all the believers in Antioch always to obey [or remain true to] the Lord with all their hearts [resolved/resolute hearts], and many people ·became followers of [were added to] the Lord.


Good morning, Lord. I resolve to set my heart on You this coming year and forever. I want to obey — may my deeds line up with this desire. Empower me, Holy Spirit, fill me with the faith, humility and discernment … Your will, not mine, be done.

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