Deadwood on God’s Family Tree


John 15:1-2 (NIV)
I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit …


I picture the heavenly Father, pruning saw in hand, cutting off the parts of me that don’t bear fruit. He cuts off my bad habits, worldly wisdom and old ideas that don’t match biblical values. It’s quite the brush pile, ready for a bonfire.


Good morning, Lord. I know there are values, habits and thoughts I need to let go. But when You come close with Your pruning saw, I plead, “Don’t do it!” Forgive me for hanging on to thoughts and habits that don’t honor You. Thank You for Your patience, grace and mercy — I deserve to be cut off all together.

I want to bear more good fruit, really I do. Teach me to accept Your pruning. Enable me to actually welcome it. 

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