The Family Tree of Christ

No, I’m not talking about the lineage of Jesus as told in the books of Matthew and Luke.

This is all about the words of Jesus as recorded in the book of John.

John 15:5 (NLT)

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches.

Yes, I’m a branch growing out of Jesus, the trunk or stem — that is, I’m a branch on the family tree of Christ. As are you, if you put your faith in Him.



Good morning, Lord. As the song says, “I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God,” joint heirs of Your glory (Romans 8:17). I’m a branch on Christ’s family tree — alongside all the other believers.

Sometimes I’m short-tempered with my brothers and sisters in Christ, forgive me. I can be quick to think the worst about them, grant me patience and discernment. I’m apt to look away when they’re in need, give me a heart to serve. Let me love them, Lord, like You do
(John 13:34).

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