God Keeps Time

Genesis 8:22 (NIV)
“As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.”

This is what God said after Noah left the ark. And thus far, He’s kept his word … and the time, all the time.


Good morning, Lord. Thank You for sunrise and sunset, day after day. Thank You for seedtime and harvest, year after year. Thank You for spring, summer, fall and winter — in that order, every year since creation. Reliable time is a gift from You to us. Forgive me for begrudging it, for treating it like an adversary, for working against time and not with it.

Teach me to use Your gift of time wisely now and to look forward to the end of time as we know it, when we will be with You through eternity.

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