Restoring My Soul

My husband and I restored the home we live in. It started in the 1800s as a post-and-beam barn. In the 1970s, someone made it into a house and covered every hand-hewn beam with drywall.

We tore out unneeded and damaged drywall. We updated the plumbing and electricity. We tweaked the floorplan.

Psalm 23:3 (KJV)
He restoreth my soul.

God restores my soul, tearing away the misguided thinking of our culture. He updates my connection to His Word with less milk, more meat (Hebrews 5:13-14). He rearranges my priorities. I am His work in progress.


Good morning, Lord. Restore my soul! Remove everything that is not of You — all false beliefs and worldly notions, all bitterness and resentment, every self-serving and arrogant attitude. Sweep away the bad habits and secret sins. Clean the space by the power of Your blood. Fill it with the breath of Your Spirit and wisdom from Your Word.  

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