Appreciating My Body


This Scripture is about the Church, the body of Christ. But let’s not miss the other wisdom herein.


1 Corinthians 12:12 (ERV)

A person has only one body, but it has many parts. Yes, there are many parts, but all those parts are still just one body.

As I’ve aged, I focus on my aches and pains. I overlook other body parts.

        • My heart pumps
        • My lungs move oxygen in, carbon dioxide out
        • The synapses in my brain connect
        • My mouth chews and speaks
        • My gut turns food into energy
        • My limbs move

One body, so many parts still working. And I’m grateful.


Good morning, Lord. Forgive me for complaining about my aging body. Truth is, more parts work than don’t. I am an amazing collection of cells quietly doing their jobs, day after day. They keep working, whether I appreciate them or not. Thank You!

You call me to do likewise, to be a cell in Your amazing body of believers, quietly doing what You created me to do, day after day. Let me do it, not for praise from other people, but out of love for You.

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