Me? Pretend to myself? You bet!
I tell myself, “I’m not so bad.” I look for the worst in others and think I look good in comparison.
Jesus had strong words for folks like me.
Matthew 7:5 (NLT)
Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.
Enough with the playacting, He says. End the comparison game. Take a long, honest look at yourself.
Honestly, I’d rather not … I might not like what I see.
Good morning, Lord. Give me eyes to see myself not only as others see me, but as You see me. Help me recognize all the little lies I tell myself. Teach me to be honest with myself, not to shame me, but to better understand Your grace and mercy.
Thank You for loving me just as I am. Thank You for saving me from the fate I deserve. Thank You for transforming me into a better person. Teach me cooperate with that transformation by humbly admitting my failures and striving to be more like You.