God’s Hand on Mine



Psalm 73:23 (NIV)
Yet I am always with you;
you hold me by my right hand.


God’s hand held mine on my first day of school and when I got my diploma. His hand was on mine when I brought my first child home and as I helped my last child pack and move out. His hand was on mine when I learned my ABCs and as I typed this post.

He never lets go of me, not even when I try to let go of Him.
[Note to self: letting go of God doesn’t work.]


Good morning, Lord. You are right here beside me, all the time. You’re as close as my right hand, all the time. Even when I pitch a fit, You’re here. Even when I’m angry and refuse to talk with You, You’re still here. Even when I’m distracted by the chaos around me and don’t see You, You’re still here. 

Thank You for holding on to me when I try to run away. Thank You for loving me when I’m unlovable. Thank You for being here, all the time.

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2 Responses to God’s Hand on Mine

  1. Velma Moss says:

    I love your daily posts! They are short, sweet and to the point! But today’s morning prayer hit the spot. Even the days I don’t, He does! This is one that I will copy and put it on my mirror. This is a keeper….Mic drop

    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      I’m glad today’s post spoke to your soul, Velma. My goal is to keep it short and simple … and meaningful. Thank you for your encouraging words.

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