Acts of Ordinary Folks

Acts of the Apostles … acts of ordinary folks:

Saul (AKA Paul) had an impressive resume even before God got his attention on the road to Damascus. But the rest of the crew featured in the book of Acts, not so much.

Acts 4:13 (NIV)
When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished.

“They” who? They, “the rulers, the elders and the teachers of the law” (verse 5). The bigwigs stood in awe of ordinary folks acting in the extraordinary power of the Holy Spirit. 

So be it.


Good morning, Lord. Sometimes I overestimate my ability to help and cope. But even more often, I underestimate what I can do through obedience and the power of the Holy Spirit. Forgive me for thinking too highly of myself and too little of You. Teach me to call on You from the start instead of plunging ahead on my own and asking for Your help only when things start to unravel.  

Teach me to listen, obey and step out with faith in Your power at work in and through me.

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