See God with Us (Emmanuel)

“By the light of nature we see God as a God above us, by the light of the law we see Him as a God against us, but by the light of the gospel we see Him as Emmanuel, God with us.”

Matthew Henry (1662-1714)


Some folks think God is too far away to care. Some folks think they aren’t good enough for God to care about them. Truth is, God is as close as the air we breathe. He absolutely cares. 



Good morning, Lord. Thank You for seeing me, for caring about me, for dying for my sins. As I go about my business today, let me see You at my side. Let me hear Your voice of instruction. Let me feel Your love filling my heart.

Teach me to love You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. Show me how to love others as I love myself
(Matthew 22:37-39).



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