God Who Sees

Hagar, an Egyptian slave, got caught in the drama between Abram and Sarai and their inability to have a child. Pregnant and unhappy, Hagar ran away. Alone in the wilderness, she had a life-changing conversation.

Genesis 16:13 (EXB)

The slave girl gave a name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are ‘·God who sees me [or God of seeing; Hebrew El-Roi]’ ” because she said to herself, “Have I really seen God who sees me?”

Hagar — a foreigner and a slave — gave God a name.  Unexpected. But that’s how God works.


Good morning, Lord. Teach me to see You, even when I don’t expect to. It’s easy to see You in the glorious sunrise and the spring flowers. Give me eyes to see You in dreary mornings and dirty snowbanks. Teach me to see Your image in “the least of these my brothers and sisters”
(Matthew 25:40). 

Let me see things the way You do, El-Roi. Show me the bigger picture.

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