God Sees


Proverbs 15:3 (ESV)
The eyes of the Lord are in every place,
keeping watch on the evil and the good.


Sometimes I think God isn’t paying attention.

I’m wrong. He sees it all.


Good morning, Lord. I believe You are all-seeing and all-powerful. When bad things happen, it’s not that You don’t see or don’t care. You created us with free will, and our actions have consequences. Sometimes innocent folks suffer the consequences of someone else’s actions. Truth be told, my free will sometimes gets me into trouble, or makes trouble for others.

Forgive me for my wrongful deeds. Forgive me for blaming You when someone else’s deeds hurt me. Teach me to trust You, to know that You see it all and are always with me.

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2 Responses to God Sees

  1. Shelly says:


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